Aiyl Bank Signs the UN Principles for Responsible Banking


15 August 2024, Bishkek – Aiyl Bank has become an official signatory of the UN Principles for
Responsible Banking – a single framework for a sustainable banking industry developed by United
Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) alongside banks worldwide.

The Principles are the leading framework for ensuring that banks’ strategy and practice align
with the vision society has set out for its future in the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris
Climate Agreement. Banks who have signed the Principles commit to be ambitious in their sustainability
strategies, working to mainstream and embed sustainability into the heart of their business, while
allowing them to remain at the cutting-edge of sustainable finance.

Under the Principles, signatory banks identify and measure the environmental and social impact
resulting from their business activities, set and implement targets where they have the most significant
impact, and regularly report publicly on their progress. The Principles provide a framework for banks to
systematically understand the risks and seize the opportunities arising from the transition to more
sustainable economies.

Signatories to the Principles take on a leadership role, demonstrating how banking products,
services and relationships can support and accelerate the changes necessary to achieve shared
prosperity for both current and future generations, building a positive future for both people and
planet. These banks also join the world’s largest global banking community focused on sustainable
finance, sharing best-practice and working together on practical guidance and pioneering tools of
benefit to the entire industry.

This is a journey of unprecedented scale and scope at a time when such ambition is urgently
needed to address the major planetary crises of climate change, nature loss, pollution and social issues.
Together, these efforts will ensure that profitability goes hand in hand with a sense of purpose.
Aiyl Bank has always strived for high-quality development and responsible business practices.
The Principles for Responsible Banking reflect Aiyl Bank’s approach to making sustainable decisions and
setting clear and ambitious goals. The Bank has adopted a number of documents regulating activities in
this area, including its ESG strategy and ESG roadmap, a corporate governance code, an environmental
and social risk management policy, and a regulation on environmental and social impact assessment.

Tilek Alimdzhanov, Chief Executive Officer Aiyl Bank said:
“We are very proud to be the first Kyrgyz bank to commit to the UN Principles for Responsible
Banking. By adhering to the Principles for Responsible Banking, Aiyl Bank confirms its commitment to
further work on the set course, relying on the best global practices in the field of sustainable
development. Aiyl Bank has a significant potential to stimulate participants in key sectors of the
economy to switch to sustainable development practices and reduce the negative impact on the
environment and society. I am confident that our endeavor will contribute to the creation of long-term
value for employees, customers and society as a whole.”

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