"Nariste" Children Deposit

Deposit appointments

Contribution for clients planning to secure the future of their children

Type of the deposit Interest-bearing
Minimum deposit amount

1000 KGS; 20 USD

Minimum amount of additional contributions

500 KGS; 10 USD

Additional in-payments and their limits

1. Not more than 10 million soms, 200 thousand US dollars, 10 million rubles for the period of the contract.

2. Acceptance of additional contributions is terminated 30 days before the expiration date of the deposit contracts.

Frequency of interest payments

at the end of the term

Interest capitalization at the end of the term
Additional in-payments and their limits The interests accrued for 12 months shall be added to the principal amount of the deposit
Interest payment in case of early contract termination

1. if after the expiration of 1/2 of the term, 50% of the remuneration is paid (capitalized %% is not recalculated)

2. if before the expiration of 1/2 of the term, it is paid at the % rate of the deposit (deposit) on demand

Specific features The deposit shall be opened with the certificate of birth provided
Contract prolongation Automatically, based on the valid interest rate as of the date of prolongation

* Maximum effective interest rate: KGS - 15,14%, USD - 3,13%, RUB - 7,04%

Note: the customer shall have the right to choose the deposit term between the standard terms of the deposit products. For such cases the following principle shall be applied for establishment of the interest rates: a standard interest rate shall be applied to all deposits, opened for the period until the next standard period in accordance with the scale of the interest rates of the deposit product.

Currency 3 months 6 months 9 months 12 months 18 months 24 months 36 months
KGS - - - - - 11% 12%
USD - - - - - 2% -
RUB - - - 6,5% 6,5% - -


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