Aiyl bank History

Aiyl bank History

Main Mission of Aiyl Bank

The Mission of Aiyl Bank is to promote the development of the agricultural sector and improve the welfare of the population through the provision of affordable, high-quality banking products based on modern technologies.

Aiyl Bank is one of the largest financial institutions in the country, implementing state programs for the development of the agricultural sector. The bank offers a full range of high-quality banking services, including retail and corporate client services, investment banking, trade finance, and asset management.


Aiyl Bank’s Strengths:

  •  High customer trust and exceptional service quality.
  • A team of highly qualified specialists, who constantly improve their professional skills;
  • A convenient and extensive branch network;
  • Well-organized business processes;
  • A reputation as a modern bank utilizing advanced banking technologies.


About Aiyl Bank

OJSC Aiyl Bank (hereinafter referred to as Aiyl Bank) was established in 1996 by the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic with financial and technical assistance from the World Bank. Initially, it was known as the Kyrgyz Argiculture Finance Corporation(KAFC), aimed at providing loans to private farmers andn rural producers on a regular and sustainable basis.  


Recognizing its importance in financing agriculture and in order to expand the range of banking services to the rural population, the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic issued Decree No. 43/1 on December 27, 2006, reorganizing the Kyrgyz Agricultural Finance Corporation into JSC Aiyl Bank.


Aiyl Bank’s Development

Over its 25 years of existence, Aiyl Bank has made significant strides in providing credit access to a large portion of the country’s rural population. Today, Aiyl Bank stands as one of the leading universal banks in Kyrgyzstan.


The bank is continuously working to expand its geographical reach in providing loans, with a network that includes 37 branches, 60 savings banks, 32 field cash desks, 25 regional and 30 rural credit units in remote villages.


Partnerships and Recognition

Aiyl Bank collaborates with several international organizations, including:

  • The World Bank (WB)
  • The Asian Development Bank (ADB)
  • The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
  • The State Development Bank of China
  • The Eurasian Development Bank
  • UNDP
  •  Kumtor Gold Company
  •  Raiffeisen Fund
  •  Russian- Kyrgyz Development Fund.

The bank’s activities have been highly recognized by CGAP (Consultative Group to Assist the Poor), which, in 2004, awarded Aiyl Bank for its financial transparency  practices.

The international rating agency Microfinanza Srl has twice assigned the bank an "A" rating following a detailed assessment of its financial health and adherence to CGAP standards. The rating highlights Aiyl Bank as a microfinance institution that is resilient to both internal and external factors, with a strong capacity to meet its financial obligations and offer high-quality operations.