How to renew the card at the end of the validity period?

To replace it, it is enough to contact the Bank branch with a card and passport.

The card is blocked, what should I do?

To unblock the card, call the Bank at the following numbers: 0 312 680000, 0 556 680000, 0 707 680000, 0 222 680000.

What to do if the card is lost or stolen?

You must inform the Bank about this by calling: 0 312 680000, 0 556 680000, 0 707 680000, 0 222 680000.

What should I do if I forgot my PIN?

If the PIN-code is forgotten and tried all the ways to remember it, as a rule, it is necessary to block and reissue it.

Where can I apply for a loan?

In any nearest branch of the Bank, you can also leave an online application through the official website of the Bank.

Какие первичные документы нужны для получения кредита?
  • Passport of the applicant and spouse (if any);
  • Marriage certificate (if any);
  • Proof of income.
Does registration matter when applying for a loan?

The bank requires a certificate from the place of actual residence.

What are the loan processing times?

Terms of consideration of the loan from 10 to 20 days, depending on the size of the loan.

How to find out credit history?

Credit histories of borrowers are kept in CIB "Ishenim" (Credit Information Bureau).

Is it possible to get a loan for a business if the collateral is real estate, and the business is abroad?

Unfortunately, this is not possible, since Aiyl Bank only works within Kyrgyzstan.

Can you get a mortgage / state mortgage loan?

We work within the framework of the state program "My Home 2021-2026", a loan for the purchase of housing will be provided in two directions - "Preferential mortgage" and "Affordable mortgage" for a period of 15 to 25 years. In addition to mortgages, the Bank can also finance up to 60% of the cost of housing for the purchase of housing, provided that you have 40% of the value of housing.

We want to get an agricultural loan from you. We live in a village. What do we need to do?

You need to apply to the Bank branch at the location of your business (farm) with a passport.

Can you get a car loan?

Our Bank does not issue car loans, however, you can purchase a car by obtaining a consumer loan.

Is it possible to repay the loan ahead of schedule?

Yes, you can at any branch of the Bank.

How to pay off a loan remotely?

The loan can be repaid through AB24 mobile banking, as well as through the Elcart Mobile application.

Is it possible to repay the loan without coming to the Bank?

The loan can be repaid through payment terminals of Aiyl Bank, Pay24, MegaPay and O money.

I deleted the AB24 application, then downloaded it back and I can’t log back into my account, what should I do in this case?

In this case, you need to contact the Bank and get a temporary password, with which you can enter the application and change the password.

How to connect mobile banking АБ24?

In order to connect AB24 mobile banking, you need to come to the Bank with a passport and conclude an agreement, after which a login and a one-time password are issued to enter the application.

How to get a preferential loan under the state program "Financing the development of the economy-10"?

In order to get a preferential loan under the state program "Agricultural Financing 10", you need to contact the Bank branch at the location of your business (farm) with a passport and join the electronic queue.

How to extend the term of the deposit if the depositor cannot come?

Can be extended by a third party on the basis of a power of attorney certified by a notary.

Is there a prolongation of deposits, and under what conditions?

Prolongation is carried out at the request of the client.

What is interest capitalization?

Capitalization of interest is the transfer of interest to the deposit amount, which allows you to further accrue interest on interest.

How can I make a deposit online?

With the help of mobile applications "AB24", "Elcart Mobile".

What is the blocked amount and how can I find out?

You can find out the blocked amount through the Bank's ATMs.

How to top up Elkart and through which terminals?

You can top up Elcart cards:

  • in the terminals of Aiyl Bank (banking services section);
  • in Pay24 terminals (section banking services);
  • at the cash desks of Aiyl Bank;
  • in the Elkart Mobile application by transferring from card to card.
What primary documents are required to obtain equipment for leasing?

The documents requested for obtaining a lease are divided into two groups: documents for legal entities and documents for individuals engaged in individual entrepreneurial activities.

Documents for legal entities:

  1. Application for a loan (original, filled in by the Bank);
  2. Certificate of the tax authority on the fact of tax registration of the taxpayer (in case the borrower does not have a current account in our Bank) (original). At the same time, a certified copy of the certificate is filed in the credit file, and the original in the file on opening a current account;
  3. The original passport of the head / pledgor, a certified copy of which is filed in the client's file;
  4. Applicant's financial statements for the last 2 financial years:
  • Balance sheet;
  • Profits and Losses Report;
  • Statement of cash flows (Cash flow);
  • Statement of changes in equity (if any in the last 2 years);
  • Breakdown of debtors with the date of the debt occurrence;
  • Breakdown of creditors with repayment dates, with attachments of loan agreements;
  • Deciphering the fixed assets of the enterprise;
  • The conclusion of the external auditor for the last year, for loans, the amount of which is 1% or more of the total capital of the bank.

5. Charter;

6. Memorandum of association or decision to establish a legal entity;

7. Certificate of state registration;

8. Decision and order on the appointment of the head;

9. Leasing decision.

Documents for individuals engaged in individual entrepreneurial activities:

  1. Application for a loan (original, filled in by the Bank);
  2. The original passport of the applicant / pledgor, a certified copy;
  3. A copy of the applicant's marriage certificate;
  4. Written consent of the spouse (a) to receive a lease, certified by an employee of the Bank (original, filled in by the Bank);
  5. Certificate of the tax authority on the fact of tax registration of the taxpayer (if the borrower does not have a current account with our Bank) (original).

For individuals engaged in individual entrepreneurial activity: Certificate from the statistical authorities on registration / re-registration as an individual entrepreneur. 

For individuals engaged in individual entrepreneurial activity: Certificate from the tax authorities on registration / re-registration as an individual entrepreneur.

For peasant (farm) households (without forming a legal entity), it is additionally necessary to submit:

  1. Agreement on the formation and division of joint property of KH (FH) (original);
  2. Protocol of the authorized body of PF/FH on obtaining a loan (original);
  3. Protocol of the authorized body on the election of the head of the farm / farm (original);
  4. List of members of the CH / FH on the date of application for a loan (original).


How to purchase machinery or equipment on lease, what is needed for this?
  • Select the desired subject of leasing and the seller.
  • Gather the necessary documents to apply for a lease.
  • Apply for leasing to branches or representative offices of the Bank.
  • Enter the amount of your own contribution, the insurance premium and the amount of expenses for registration, registration of the subject of leasing to the current account with the Bank.
Leasing and credit? What's the Difference?

During leasing, the lessor buys the property necessary for the client and transfers it for temporary use on the terms of the leasing agreement, with the subsequent right to purchase. Thus, leasing differs from a loan in that, with a loan, funds are transferred for use, and with leasing, specific property in the form of fixed assets, machinery or equipment.

How can I apply to the Bank for a loan deferment due to the Covid-19 pandemic?

You will need to apply with a statement to the Bank branch where the loan was issued.

How to find out how much to pay on a loan?

You can request a notice of the upcoming repayment at any branch of the Bank.

How can I find out my details for loan repayment?

You can request a notice of the upcoming repayment at any branch of the Bank.

Can a non-resident get a loan from Aiyl Bank?

Unfortunately, it cannot.