The new members of Bereke money transfer system: JCS MFC INCOM and JSC Investment Bank Chang An


JSC Investment Bank Chang An:

Head Office: Bishkek, Isa Akhunbaev Str.,48/1.


Head Office: Bishkek, Kievskaya St., 155-3;
Osh Branch, Osh, Masaliev Ave.51-2;
Karakol Branch: Karakol, Tokgotul Str,179, 2 nd floor.

Let us to remind, users of Bereke payment system can send money transfers instantly and receive money all over the Kyrgyzstan through offices of Capital Bank, Eurasian Savings Bank JSC Dos-credobank, JSC Kyrgyz Investment Credit Bank, JSC Kyrgyz Swiss Bank, JSC Kyrgyzcommertzbank, JSC Investment Bank Chang An, JSC MFC INCOM and JSC Aiyl Bank.




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