Aiyl Bank



High interest rates


Business loans

Low interest rates


Agro loans

Simple and effective solutions


Money transfers

Fast money transfers


Payment cards

Simple and reliable


Exchange rates

  • Cash
  • Clearing
  • Exchange rates of the Kyrgyz National Bank
Currency Buy Sale
pic USD 86.0000 86.9000
pic EUR 92.1000 93.1000
pic RUB 0.9600 1.0100
pic KZT 0.1250 0.2050
Commission for cash deposit
  • pic 0.00%
  • pic 0.50%
  • pic 1.00%
  • pic 2.00%
02.07.2024 Exchange rates are applicable to the Bank's Head Office.
Commission for cash deposit is applicable to Bishkek.
Rates are valid for amounts up to $1,000 (or the equivalent of that amount in other currencies), rates for amounts over $1,000 are negotiable.
Currency Buy Sale
pic USD 85.9000 86.4000
pic EUR 92.1000 93.1000
pic RUB 0.9550 1.0150
pic KZT 0.1200 0.2100
02.07.2024 Exchange rates are applicable to the Bank's Head Office.
Commission for cash deposit is applicable to Bishkek.
Currency 2024-07-02 2024-07-03
pic USD 86.3500 86.1294
pic EUR 92.9817 92.3393
pic RUB 0.9989 0.9874
pic KZT 0.1817 0.1826
03.07.2024 Exchange rates are applicable to the Bank's Head Office.
Commission for cash deposit is applicable to Bishkek.

Precious metals

  • Metal
  • Measured ingots
Metal Buy (KGS/g) Sale (KGS/g)
pic Gold 5 700.0000 7 160.0000
pic Silver 71.2000 91.3000
pic Platinum 1 960.0000 3 470.0000
02.07.2024 Prices in KGS per gram.
Precious metal prices used for unallocated bullion account

Online services for you


to 14% Set up an account
on beneficial terms
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Charge cards

24/7 24-hour access
to cash on account
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Loans at rate of

at rate of 6% loans under goverment programm Complete application form

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